Earth Angels Pulling for Jessica

Tune in Thursday, December 17th at 8:00pm EST for a special two-hour benefit radio show to raise money for Jessica's Christmas Wish!
Jessica Rose Cannizzo is battleing a rare and deadly form of cancer. She has been battleing this for over a year and a half. On December 2nd, her parents got the news that no parent should ever get. There is nothing more... that her doctors can do for her, and this monster called cancer was going to take her life. Her doctors gave her 6 months or less to live. With this news, and still not giving up the fight, this maybe Jessica's last Christmas. We all want to make her Christmas wish come true, and her parents at this time can not afford to give her that wish. Her Christmas wish is to spend a week on a Texas horse ranch, and have her very own horse.
There are many ways that you can help.
1. Listen to the special benefit radio show on Thursday, December 17th at 8:00pm EST.
2. Schedule this event on your facebook page and tell all your friends to do the same.
3. Make a donation during the special benefit radio show. Or make a donation now using Paypal. Just visit Paypal here: and donate using the e-mail address:
4. Businesses can purchase a 30 second commercial during the special benefit radio show for $100.00 and all proceeds will go to Jessica's Christmas wish.
More information will be posted as it becomes available.Thank you in advance for participating in this event.Blessings,Chicken Whisperer
Andy will be airing a special two-hour benefit radio show on Thursday, December 17th at 8:00pm EST in honor of my daughter, Jessica and her Christmas wish. Please stay tuned for more details.
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