Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Today was the first.....

Yes, today at 7:56pm I seen my first bat of the summer! I'm almost positive it was a Brown Bat..... but none the less it was the first bat this year. Summer is here....... ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

24.5 Mile Ride.....

It was beautiful day for a ride, and a ride we did as in 24.5 miles round trip! I’m a little hungry and tried but for our first big ride of the year feel pretty good. I may not in the morning but will not know till then. Planning on doing a Rail to Trails ride next weekend, if the weather isn’t bad?

Going outside to do some grillin and chillin, till the next! ;)

Got new wheels...

Yes, spend a little money and Tea and I got new bikes! She a Trek Mountain Bike and I an Cannondale Mountain Bike! I'm going to take mine to New York for the "Bike New York" ride on May 1st! I was going to take my old bike but after rinding the new one, it's a smoother ride and more comfie. Well it's sunny out and I want to do a ride so.... me off ;)

Monday, April 11, 2005

We have had our eye on you for awhile.....

We know you have been contacted by a man named.........yes if you guessed "The Matrix" your right. I's watching it now!

Did a mountain bike ride yesterday, and "NO" I's didn't get out today.....but will walk or ride tomorrow for sure. May 1st we head to New York City for the "Bike New York" bike ride. Going caving this Saturday, I hope and planning a trail ride on Sunday. All are welcome to join............!

Well, back to me movie....later :)

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Got New Wheels!

My baby Tea gots me new wheels today! Well we both got new mountain bikes today! Tea, she got herself a "Trek" mountain bike and then I got a "Cannondale" mountain bike! Pricey but very sweet bikes..... New York in a few weeks. Then in June the Erie Canal, about 50 miles of it.

We got to get a few miles in before New York so we'll be riding tomorrow after I get of work. I also want to get on to the trails with our new bikes. Should be fun, getting a little dirty! ;)

Life is short, so live the moment!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Bike New York.........

Yes , it is that time of the year again. We have been doing "Bike New York" every other year and this is the year we are going. Money was mailed in today. We dropped off the bike for servicing and to have computers put on to the bikes too! I hope to get a few miles in before we go to New York. Because the ride will be like 42 to 45 miles long going through all five boroughs of New York! We are planning on leaving home like around midnight and try to be there to get the first ferry to Manhattan. We'll post photos from the ride Sunday night ......hoping?

This passed weekend, Kayla spent the night. Her and I were up till around four thrity or so and then I went to bed but that little was up till like six thirty before going to sleep! Of course she was asleep till Tea woke her up at two in the afternoon. Hope to have her over again soon, she is a cool girl and friend!
Till we meet again!