Thursday, January 27, 2005


Glad to see it's back to being cold! Yesterday afternoon is was like in the upper thirty's and the snow was melting and all wasn't nice. But it's 6.1 degrees out now so all is good!
Again soon, Me!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Hey, anyone got a Trojan?

NO! I'm not looking for a rubber! I just loaded "AVG" on two of the computers we run that DON'T have up to date NORTONS running on them. Having nine desk tops, and to run with Nortons on all that would cost to much, so we just installed AVG Anti-Virus {FREE EDITION} onto two computers and ran a system scan.......yes only one bad file was found! A "Trojan Backdoor. Exe" file was found & I think it was deleted? I'll run a scan again tomorrow to see.
Big Storm Coming?
Yes, the weather people are saying there is a chance of 12 inches snow over the weekend!
I'm going to the cabin over the weekend and if we would get this so called big storm? That would be so cool! I'll let you know what happens over the weekend.
Hey, GET VIRUS PROTECTION! Trojans, are only to be used for sex! Not on COMPUTERS!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Backup! Backup! Backup your computer today!

I don't know whaat I did last night but this morning I went to send an email, when I went to attach a photo? SHIT! Nothing there???????? What the F***! I lost every photo I had saved on my computer! I also, lost every text (word) file I ever saved, too! Talk about SHOCK and being PISSED OFF!
But, Thank God! I made a backup DVD of all my files over the weekend! I just spent the last three hours reloading all photos and text saved files back onto my computer. Then, I made two more backup DVD's today and stored away in a save place. I also made a complete backup of my second main computer too!
Trust me! The time you spend backing up all of your file will be worht it when you lose all on your computer!
It's 4 degrees out! .......later ;)

Monday, January 17, 2005

Hey, we got snow!

Yes, we got snow last night.....just a covering but hey it's like the biggest snow fall with out rain this winter! Off to work now...later :)

Sunday, January 16, 2005

WOW! Guess what it's doing out.....

Hey, if you guessed RAIN you got it right, like we haven't had any of this yet this year........rain suxs!

Oh, hey updated too.......

Tea's Aedventures

Geek Links


OK me out of here........

Clean house for 2005...."well the file cabinet and computers ;)"

I'm in the process of backing up everything on the computers as in my files and folders. Cleaning out the old bills in the file cabinet too! Email takes the longest, you have to open everyone to see if you want to save it........suxs! I have so far two accounts done, and the next two are old so there is like a shit pile of email to look at. Looking like this will take the rest of the month to get done. I'm backing everything I want to save on to DVD! The first one was just my main computer and that was almost 4 gigs! Backed up my photos too, about a thousand of them give or take a hundred?
Well, back to backing up..........posting again soon!

New Year and I hope to..................

Yes, it's 2005 and I hope to post more then once a month or longer this year. Seeing it's January and should be like winter out? It's been a very, very warm winter just the other night at 9:30PM it was 61 degrees out still? We have had no snow worth talking about and I hope there is snow up at the cabin next week. Hope all had a good holiday and all goes good for you in 2005!

Work has slowed down a little, only 52 hours this week! But, money is always needed if you want anything in life! In May we are planning on going to Maine, Bar Harbor for the week and in September New York's, Lake Placid kinda like our second home or so it feels. I want to also do more hiking, biking and just more of everything this year. Last year we didn't get to as much as we want to, but going to do better this year! Need to get back into shape before summer rolls around or I'll be the one rolling.............?

Haven't heard form our little one in awhile not sure what is up with her? I'll see if I can get hold of her tomorrow? But, that's about it for now be back again very soon! (promise)