Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Digital Life TV

Last night I came across a site and at 9 last night was show 3 and broadcasted live. I think it's going to be done each week at the same time Tuesdays at 9 pm eastern. Hosted by Patrick Norton and also another great show is TWiT! Then there is SYSTM and The Broken!
Then you still have
From The Shadows five tech show for the geeks in all of us! Hey OpenOffice 2.0 Bata 2 is out!

Great news while it is able to be downloaded,

ShrinkTo5 is the new, powerful and fast DVD copying engine. ShrinkTo5 has been developed as a cross-platform engine available for free for anyone. To ensure a fast spreading to other platforms ShrinkTo5 is distributed as open-source.

ShrinkTo5 can copy movies with an undeniably superior picture quality. No matter if you wish to copy just the main movie or the whole movie DVD, ShrinkTo5 always produces a superb picture quality, since the ShrinkTo5 engine always concentrates on the main movie. No tedious configuration is needed like with other copying tools, ShrinkTo5 will always find the perfect balance automatically.

We took our boyz to the vets last night, their
first shots! All went well and we have to take them back in a month for more.

Gas hit $2.83 a gallon today and it will go over three by the weekend I bet!

Monday, August 29, 2005


Hey, just tuned into "TWiT" (the week in tech) if you remember TechTV then you'll know the cast on TWiT. Todays topics!

New LCD displays with LED backlights
Old-style LCDs take half an hour to reach optimal color, CRTs can take hours
LED pocket projectors
TWiT pocket protectors
Intel strives for
Shorter pipelines, lower power consumption, but will it be fast?
Multi-threading does not benefit games
L2 cache is key
Felony charges are
dropped for the Kutztown 13
VoIP providers
get an extension on 911
Otis hacking
Life hacking with and
Google talk is no big whoop - but it does sound good for voice
Voice stuff is by
Global IP Sound - not Google
Jabber support is a good thing, though
studio quality over the Internet cloud
Early drinking experiences
NY AG Eliot Spitzer
wins judgement against AOL for making it hard to cancel
Bank account drainers
Tivo makes its
first quarterly profit
Leo's looking for BitTorrent-based media center
We're Family Guy fans but what's the deal with the podcast
The not-so-mighty mouse
Real geeks covet the Logitech
G5 Laser Mouse
Pinewood Derby hacking
Patrick reviews the Vista Beta
Finally decent security in Windows
But automatic P2P connections don't seem like a good idea
Zeroconf, on the other hand, works
Steve's 2 TTL security hack
A Microsoft worker brings a
virus to Redmond. Measles.
Halo - the
The best and worst geek movies of all time

If your a person who is into computers and anything related to the lastest tech items on the market and want to know the dirt on them tune into TWiT!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hasn't been a good month.....

My Mom passed away August 14, 2005 while visiting her sisters and brothers up in Newfoundland Canada. She had been fighting cancer for the last year and a half, and just before she went up north she stopped her chemo treatments. I believe she knew she wouldn’t be coming back home but was going to stay in Newfoundland for good; the place where she was born is where she passed away.

You’ll be missed…………….

Monday, August 08, 2005

Hey, what's happening?

Hi, Back so soon....yes! (lol) Another warm day for sure! But winter is on it's way! I'll have to mow gras tomorrow and I'll more then likely be working the weekend
cuz I know alrady I'll be working Sat.......

Got a trip to Lake Placid in Sept.... so the over time helps!
Well I'm off to watch a hour of the tube then to bed......returning soon!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Been Awhile......................

Hey, it's been a few since my last time here..... Work! Work! and more work! But, got NEWS! We adopted two male kittens from the vet hospital. Their mom was hit my a car and someone dropped them off at the vet. We found out and they are with us now! This is the site if you want to see them? Biner & Piton
Till next time..... ;)