Hey downloaded it and installed it, day three and it works and sounds great! If you got it give a ring...."robertsummit" is what you need to do it! Well if you don't have it get it here!Well I'm off to watch "Rent" so till the next one... ;)
Going to be taking a flight soon....
If your booking a flight and not sure of what type of plane your going to be on as in the floor lay out or where the best seats or poor seats are located. This site will help you in knowing what seats you may want to request when booking your plane! This is the link and seating site, you pick your airline and plane to see the floor lay out! "Seat Guru"
Watching DOOM!

Yes, I didn't get to watch it all last night. Doug and Chas came over today and Doug and Aunt Tea watched it. Chas and I were back on the comps doing music and pics. But, I'm taking the time to watch it now! more later..............
It is the year of the "DOG"
The year of the Dog it is with the passing of the Chinese New Year. Not a lot going on as of late, this pass weekend did a clam bake. Good food with good friends, did some music downloads and a CD or two.
This pass week there was to a big infection released in the form of a worm but it didn’t happen…ha ha! Still it a good thing to keep your system up to date at all times!
Picked up the DVD “DOOM” this week, I heard mixed reviews about it? From what little I have played the game I would guess I would like the movie! I also installed the games again on the computer, Doom 3 and Unreal Tournament 2004! Now just got to get to playing them, it easy to start but it’s like very hard to get away when you’re wrapped up in the fight! And a plus is that the online play is so cool! In Doom 3 you and three other battle it out or you do two on two. In Unreal you and fifteen other go at it in combat, the bad thing is I usually get my butt kicked. Just got to put the time and learn the play and I know I’ll do better….. The bottom line is it FUN!
NASCAR starts tonight with the Bud Shootout! I also want to watch Doom tonight too! Looking like a late night to night…… I have already today watched Blade and Fantastic Four! Got to get to using the PSP more and the iPod!
Well that all I can think of now, so till I think of what I missed this is it till the next time.