Coffee plays an important role in Colombia. It is grown in 18 different provinces, and directly affects the economies of 590 towns throughout the country. Here are some fun facts about coffee production in Colombia:
1. Colombia is a leading exporter of coffee beans, second only to Brazil.
2. There are over 500,000 coffee farmers (called cafeteros) in Colombia.
3. The average size of a coffee farm in Colombia is 1.6 hectacres (or about 2 acres).
4. After it is planted, a coffee tree needs three or four years to grow to its full-size and blossom.
5. Coffee trees bear flowers and ripened fruit, called coffee berries, at the same time.
6. When the coffee berries turn bright red, they are ready for harvesting.
7. Coffee berries are usually picked by hand. A fast worker can pick between six and seven basketfuls a day.
8. The fruit is placed into a de-pulping machine. This machine removes the two coffee beans that are found inside the red fruit. The beans are then soaked in cold water for 24 hours.
9. The coffee beans are dried in the sun, and then taken to the market to sell.
10. The average coffee tree produces one pound of coffee a year.